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Five preconditions for your employees to embrace AI technology

Reading time: 7 minutes

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Lasse Rindom

Lasse Rindom

Senior Manager - AI Lead

19. January 2024

Generative AI is a technology that basically revolves around people-centred processes. That’s why it's crucial that your company prepares its employees to welcome the technology. This article tells you how to do this. You can, among other things, learn about five preconditions that will help your employees utilise AI technology. And why it could be a good idea to consider and talk about Generative AI as an upskilling of your employees – of great value to them as well as to your company. 

Perhaps Generative AI is the fastest spreading technology, and conversations about its use in practice are had by almost every Tom, Dick and Harry. Both individuals and companies worldwide have started working with the technology – especially in the form of the free ChatGPT. Some have even moved on and played with a paid plus version or even tried out Claude or Gemini or created images by means of Midjourney. 

But don't be misled into believing that 1) all employees can figure out how to use Generative AI, or that 2) there isn't an implementation job to be done from here. 

Both are far from reality. 

Though nearly everyone has heard of the technology and seen others use it, only a minority have actually utilised the tools. And among these few, even fewer have seriously used Generative AI to change their work processes and incorporate AI into their everyday work. 

Thus, many still hold the view that Generative AI is merely a simple chatbot that can write mediocre cheating texts for you. And there's a very long way from that starting point to where we reap the benefits of what is an innovative technology. 

It's also crucial to understand that Generative AI can increase your most skilled employees’ productivity, thereby enhancing your competitive edge and creating time and space for innovation.1 Therefore, it will be essential that your employees are prepared for the task. This means, more specifically, that they must know the possibilities and limitations of Generative AI, and that they must have realistic expectations of how they can use the technology.

Five preconditions for anchoring AI

There are five fundamental preconditions that you must always meet to make your employees embrace new technology – including AI. These five preconditions ensure that your company can achieve benefits, avoid risks, and secure room to manoeuvre when you later may want to correct or create policies for using the technology. 

To get employees to drive change by means of technology, it requires that the technology: 

is explained: 

Without an understanding of the technology's behaviour, it's difficult for your employees to be proactive in its use and to be on their guard against any challenges. A basic explanation of Generative AI is therefore necessary for a sustainable implementation – and for you to harvest the fruits of the technology. 

… is legitimised: 

Many still consider the use of Generative AI as cheating. And that's a pity. Because if using the technology isn't considered legitimate, it's hard to get better at using it and achieving its benefits. Therefore, for your employees to adopt Generative AI themselves, it's crucial that they experience the technology being prioritised and advocated by a management who use it themselves. 

Another, albeit related, challenge is that employees can't understand and be compliant with possible future AI policies if they don't understand the content of the respective policies. It would be like being handed a GDPR rule set without a prior understanding of what sensitive personal data is. 

is taught: 

Though YouTube has countless videos showing how to use Generative AI, we wouldn’t recommend them – especially not as the only kind of instruction. 

Instead, technologies such as Generative AI should be taught in a confidential space taking the company's and employees' specific challenges as its starting point. Furthermore, in our experience Generative AI is best taught when including both a specific track (e.g. prompt technique) and a more theoretical track (e.g. the technology's possibilities and limitations as well as potential use cases). 

is supported: 

Following up on the confidential teaching space, it's important that employees who want to use the new technology have an opportunity to do so in a safe setup. Preferably with an expert colleague or an external partner at hand who understands their daily work processes and specific challenges. Because it's part of any acquisition process to get stuck or hit a dead end, and in this connection it's crucial that your employees don't spend all their time looking for solutions in the wrong places – or in the worst case, are completely discouraged. 

is sponsored: 

You need to allocate time, create focus, and encourage if you want to reap the benefits of Generative AI. One of the benefits is increased efficiency by about 20% for the average employee according to a Harvard study.2 But it requires you to invest during the technology's implementation phase. This includes setting aside time for play and instruction, creating focus areas for innovation where progress is expected with tested and implemented use cases, and creating an open space where your employees can exchange experiences on how they have used AI in their work.

Communicate about Generative AI as upskilling

Last – but certainly not least – your view of Generative AI and your communication about the technology are significant. Too many have hyped up Generative AI to be a magical unicorn that will eventually change everything by itself. But instead of falling into that trap, you’ll get more value from talking about Generative AI as a willing workhorse, which, if used pragmatically and critically, can support your employees’ work processes and tasks or the changes that the company wants in the long term. 

In this way, you stress that the areas primarily affected that can be made more efficient by means of Generative AI depend on human activities. And that human thinking is essential to leverage the potential of Generative AI. 

Thus, you ensure focus on the anchoring of Generative AI as an upskilling of the company's human resources. And you underline that the anchoring of Generative AI is an investment that will be value-creating for the company as well as for the individual employee.

Give your employees an AI boost

Give your employees an AI boost

Our AI boost gives you knowledge about the new Generative AI technology and about how to start using it in the support functions. In just one day, you'll become basically confident about using Generative AI and get inspiration from best practice application – ready to bring back to your own work context. For more information contact Lasse Rindom, AI Lead.
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Lasse Rindom

Lasse Rindom

Senior Manager - AI Lead

+45 25 30 91 89

Do you want to anchor Generative AI and upskill your employees?

At Basico, we are already exploring how Generative AI can create value in the support functions. So, if you need broadened insight into the technology's possibilities and challenges, specific training in its use and prompt anatomy, or inspiration for using Generative AI in automation and data analysis, don’t hesitate to contact Lasse Rindom, Senior Manager and AI Lead in Finance IT Services.

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